工 程:多大,UBC,麦吉尔,麦克马斯特,滑铁卢等
商 科:多大,UBC,麦吉尔,西安大略,皇后等
设 计:多大,OCAD等
媒 体:瑞尔森,卡尔顿等
挖掘素材:针对性分析个人特点,深度挖掘个人经历闪光点,初步寻 求可以匹配的材料
I could never forget those six nights; I could never forget how I indulged myself into the complex world of cryptocurrencies; I could never forget that passion, that excitement, and those wonderful seminars an exceptional Harvard student taught me. That was the summer of 2017, as splendid as Shakespeare's midsummer night dreams. Thank you, classes of Bitcoin and the future of money: Because of this interest-based opportunity, I get to explore what finance is, how corporations operate and ...
Throughout my high school career, I have enjoyed being involved in a variety of clubs, both within school and outside of school. As the president of the school chess club, I feel quite proud of myself by holding an intramural tournament in grade 11, which no one has never done before. To organize a tournament within school, I first, held an extraordinary meeting to discuss the schedule of the tournament and propose my plan regarding tournament rules and schedule, which we will run one game every Monday noon during the lunch time, with 5 rounds in total, each round will have a 45-minute time limit for both players ...
I expect to learn Mechatronics, an interdisciplinary program of mechanical and electronics aimed to improve automation, because it can help improve our efficiency of production by inputting least labour but gaining the most productivity. With the aid of AI development, Mechatronics will facilitate human comfort and make people have more entertainment. Humans are further freed from labour and have more time to fulfill their own pursuits of interests. UW boasts the power and spirit in Mechatronics research. UW engineering is the largest engineering school in Canada and ranks top 50 engineering schools worldwide ...
After this incident, I thought a lot about teamwork, responsibility, and life. I was deeply inspired to see how people working in different areas with various skills and knowledge came together to reach one goal. When the seemingly trivial work from each individual worker connects seamlessly, it becomes a formidable team able to accomplish a much more significant mission. In a race with death, nothing matters more than responsibility. With every second slipping by, life is in greater danger, so every member of the team must do their best to maximize the team efficiency. They must be fully focused on the parts they are responsible for, and fight for every possible second, because a life might hang on that second. These organized and small contributions build the invincible strength of a team. Before becoming a leader, I want to be a part of such a great team, to transform my determination and passion into a driving force to make a positive change ...
We are in symbiosis with nature. As we gain more knowledge from our discoveries about nature, we find and create new materials that can enhance the quality of our lives, prevent sickness and pain. We had been exploring how we could help someone recover faster from a cold; we had been searching for chances to regenerate one’s organs and prolong their life; we had been wondering if we could fix a mistake from a gene. We wondered, we assumed, we executed, and we practiced. We either succeeded or failed, then we learned from it. In 2020, our relationship with nature meets formidable challenges, but I believe nature has taught us a good lesson: our knowledge about nature seems finite and our road to know about nature is still long. I’m determined to embark on this journey ...
I totally agree with Juhani Pallasmaa’s view of the real beauty and its indication for architectural design. Very sadly, in this modern era characteristic of high-tech image, the real beauty from our original imagination and innovative thinking is losing. To many places we go, the modern metropolitan cities in particular, we are fed with skyscrapers competing to be the highest. I think they are boring and repetitive, though there do exist some changes and differences. At night, in the neon, these buildings are really eye-catching, with shining lights and compelling altitude, but these are only superficial and showy, not presenting a real and true sense of beauty and aesthetics ...
My passion for media all started from an early experience at 7 years old when my mother took me to the cinema for the first time to watch an animation. The charm of film media became a seed deeply grown in my heart. The beautiful pictures, sound effects, and everything else was magnetic to me. Young as I was, I told myself: one day I should make my own film or at least be a part of this industry in the future. Many people often ridicule about such childish dreams, saying “they can’t become reality or make it a future career”. True, I know nothing about film, but the first impulse has always been there ...
Deeply engaged in music from a very young age, I started receiving some essential musical education that dramatically nurtured my patience and concentration. When I practiced piano, for instance, I would spend hours committing to the music that I enjoy. While playing, I would imagine the message that the music can deliver; I would often have an urge to reorganize the notes to make something new. Sometimes, a few casual notes taken down on the paper can inspire me to a small song. This natural and carefree statement proved to benefit my creativeness a lot. I can easily memorize the tune of a new song and use it to adapt old songs...